Automate 2024 took place this week, and I had the privilege of attending the prestigious event hosted by Workato. This year’s theme was The New Automation Mindset, and I got to take in all of the awesome work that Workato and its partners are building—and got to share some of our own stories of how we’re managing and automating end-to-end business processes using the technology. The cherry on the top? We won the “AI Visionary” Customer Impact Award!

This award was established to celebrate customer champions and how they are using Workato technology to transform their teams and build organizational effectiveness. Our innovation experiment leveraged Workato’s integration capabilities to bring together Salesforce, Google Gemini and Slack to enable us the ability to talk to our CRM data. Weaving these technologies together into an intuitive natural language interface significantly simplifies the user experience while streamlining complex workflows and enhancing data accessibility.

My colleague Erin Freeman, Director of Automation Strategy at Monks, emphasized the strategic importance of integrating AI to democratize data access across the organization. She stated, “Our goal was not just to simplify processes but to empower every team member to make data-driven decisions effortlessly. This project represents a significant leap towards achieving that vision.”

Enabling technical and nontechnical people both the ability to analyze and extract insights is key to a healthy, modern business. Earlier this year, S4Capital Executive Chairman Sir Martin Sorrell noted that democratization of knowledge was a primary opportunity for AI innovation. He told
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the International News Media Association, “You will be able, with AI, to educate everyone in an organization. AI will flatten organizations, de-silo them. It will bring you a much more agile, leaner, flatter organization.” Building off of our experience developing end-to-end, AI-powered workflows like Monks.Flow,
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we sought to experiment internally how we could leverage Workato to help information travel across the business.